My Craven Needs

I crave your mouth, 

To hear the warmth of your voice, 

I crave to touch silky fine hair.

I crave the still, silence ,

Of lamp lit streets

That lay empty of drunks

And the fiasco of cats singing midnight choirs.
I in silent shadows remain 


Starving I prowl through the streets. 

Bread does not nourish me,

The dawn it disquiets me, 

I have faithfully searched 

The liquid sound of your steps all day.  

I hunger for your sleek laugh, 

For the touch of your hands 

The colour of wild grain, 

I hunger for the pale stones of your nibbled cut back fingernails, 

I want to eat your skin like a whole almond. 

Gorge on its musky fruitiness   
I want to eat the sunbeam 

That flared in your loveliness, 

The nose, sovereign of your face, 

I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes, 
I walk alone hungry, 

Some miles west 

Always smelling your twilight twang. 

Never ceasing I search you out 

And with oath and a promise 

my time is spent looking for you, 

I need your hot heart, 

Like a wild beast in the barren places.

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